Due to persistent and unwarranted spam, this page no longer contains a contact form. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. Please review the contact procedure set out below to contact a relevant member of our team, or to contact the site owner/maintainer.
Note that if your email is unrelated to the team member who you contact, or, they cannot assist you, it will be forwarded to the relevent admin team member below. Commercial emails or other spam emails will not receive a reply, regardless of any relevance they may pose to the site.
Please be aware we do not accept or allow guest posts, advertising or blog posts on this website, whether paid or on a voluntary/link exchange basis or otherwise. If you are looking to provide content and publish it on our website it must be relevant to the topics or subjects we cover and contribute value to our community. You are welcome to register an account and propose/suggest/create content within/for our community, but this will only be considered if relevant to both the theme and personality of the website, falls under the site rules, and is determined to be legitimate and accurate with no ulterior motives or incentives. We appreciate your understanding.
To contact us regarding a competition, an unclaimed prize, clarification on competition rules or more, please email our Competitions Manager on mathewsteel [at] stronghold-nation [dot] com.
In order to contact us in relation to a download, clarification on submissions, questions in relation to download policy and more, please email our Downloads Manager (Acting) on chris [at] stronghold-nation [dot] com.
To contact us relating to problems on the forum, threads, forum policy or other forum related questions, please contact our Admin team member Crusader1307 on davidmyers414 [at] yahoo [dot] com
If you have queries about a history article, are interested in learning more information or would otherwise like to contact us with history questions, please contact our resident Historian Crusader1307 on davidmyers414 [at] yahoo [dot] com
If you have a complaint or appeal regarding the site, or any moderation decisions which have been taken by our staff, please contact Moderation Appeals Director Mathew Steel on mathewsteel [at] stronghold-nation [dot] com.
Stronghold Nation utilises an API allowing for the controlled exchange of our content (not personal data) with third party organisations. We want to work with other community fansites and stand-alone Stronghold/History communities, and we're happy to have our content used on your own platform(s) providing appropriate copyright and credit is provided back to our community.
If you are a Developer and looking to integrate existing content into your platform, wish to develop software, or even to upload your own downloads to our community, we encourage you to get in touch with us on chris [at] stronghold-nation [dot] com. Please outline your proposed use of our API and what you would like to achieve with our content, and we will discuss it further with you.
To contact the site maintainer, or for any other queries, please email chris [at] stronghold-nation [dot] com. You can also write to the site maintainer at our office address as follows: Suite 36442, PO Box 4336, Manchester, M61 0BW, United Kingdom.
Please note that there will be a short delay in replying to any written correspondence to our office.