William ''Curly Bill'' Brocius (Weapons)

  • American West
  • 1 min

By Crusader1307

William “Curly Bill” Brocius was the informal leader of the Western Outlaw Gang known as The Cochise County Cowboys. The gang terrorized much of New Mexico, Arizona and portions of Northern Texas. At one point the gang numbered 200 men. Noted for a red Army Officer sash that each member wore – Brocius was a well known Robber and Killer. He associated with Ike Clanton and Johnny Ringo (2 other well known thugs). Taking on The Earp Brothers in Tombstone, Arizona in 1881 – the resulting gunfight would lead to several “Vendetta Rides” against both The Earps.


He and his gang finally met Wyatt Earp and his Deputies at Iron Springs, Arizona. Attempting to ambush Earp, Brocius was killed by a shotgun blast (from Earp) in 1882. Curly Bill no doubt used many handguns and rifles in his criminal career. He was known to use an 1875 Colt Patterson .45 Caliber Single Action Revolver.