US M19 Multiple Gun Motor Carriage

  • World War II
  • 1 min

By Crusader1307

Produced in late 1944, The US M19 Multiple Gun Motor Carrier was not deployed in World War II. Seen mostly during The Korean War of 19th 1950s - The Gun Carrier was in fact a ''hodge podge'' Weapon, designed from combining a 40mm Bofors Gun and a modified M24 Tank Chassis. The primary goal of The M19 was to be deployed in the battlefield as a mobile Anti-Aircraft Device. Nearly (300) were built and deployed with both US Army and Marine Corps. Forces. Decommissioned shortly after The Korean War (1953), most were sold to The Netherlands - in which they still served up until 1978. As stated, modified from a standard M24 ''Chaffee'' - The Gun Carrier weighed 40,000-lbs. and was 18-feet long and 11-feet in height. Twin tracked, it was propelled by a Twin Cadillac V-8 Diesel, capable of 35-mph. Armor plating was 1-inch thick (with external plating placed). The (4) barrel 40mm Bofors Gun replaced the standard Tank Turret. Typically, a Crew of (4) operated The M19. Maximum effective range was rate to 3,000-yards.