US Curtis-Wright CW-21 ''Demon'' Fighter Plane

  • World War II
  • Less than 1 min

By Crusader1307

The Curtis-Wright ''Demon'' CW-21 was and early World War II Fighter, originally marketed for The US Army Air Corps. However, when The USAAC did not pick up the initial contract, Production Models were marketed and sold to The Chinese National Air Forces, then in conflict with an invading Imperial Japanese. (62) such Models were delivered in 1939-1940. The early Chinese Fighter was War Service as late as 1941, with all being lost in Combat at the end of the year. The CW-21 was piloted by (1). They were 30-feet long with a wingspan of 35-feet. Power came from a single Wright ''Cyclone'' 9-cylinder Engine, capable of producing 850-HP. Rated to 300-mph, The ''Demon'' had an operational ceiling of 35,000-feet. Armament used was Twin 12.7mm and Twin 7.62mm Wing Machine Guns.