US Army Master Gunner Badge

  • Medals And Decoration
  • 1 min

By Crusader1307

A ''new'' Qualifications Award Badge of The US Army (2019) – The Master Gunner Badge is awarded to both Enlisted and Officer Ranks, who complete one of (8) Gunner Courses. These Courses are related to various Weapons Systems and related Platforms. Additionally, Master Gunners are rated to troubleshoot and perform various maintenance of such Systems (at their level of expertise). The Courses that can be taken for Badge Award are – Abrams Tank System, Abrams Enhanced, Bradley Fighting Vehicle, Stryker IAV, Infantry Fighting Vehicle, Patriot Missile System, Avenger AD System and Field Artillery Master (Fire Control).


The Badge, silver in color – reflects the wide variety and History of US Army Weaponry. A Wreath surrounds an Air Defense Artillery Missile (Center). Imposed over which is a Cavalry Saber, Musket and Artillery Cannon. An attached Tab is engraved with the words ''MASTER GUNNER''. The primary goal of The Master Gunner is to provide tactical assessment of His or Her skill in a particular specialty, and giving such advise to battlefield Commanders. The Badge is worn of The Dress Uniform under Pocket of The Left side (similarly on The Fatigue, in subdued version).