The 20th Maine Volunteer Infantry Regiment was a unit formed in 1862 for service in The Union Army, during The American Civil War (1861-1865). They were assigned to The Army of The Potomac, 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 3rd Corps. They were part of 8 other (non-Maine Units) assigned to the Corps. They served in 6 major Civil War battles. Of most note, was the 20th Maine's defense of Little Round Top - during The Battle of Gettysburg (1863). Holding the far left of the Union battle line on a rocky and densely wooded foothill, the 20th Maine held off 8 Confederate infantry charges (all up hill). By the 9th charge, the 20th Maine was completely out of ammunition without hope of resupply. Ordered to "Fix Bayonets", the 20th charged downhill (not waiting for the Rebel charge). Utilizing an unorthodox oblique formation halfway down, the 20th Maine swept Little Round Top of The Confederates. This move is credited for saving The Union (and the battle), that day. The 20th was mustered out of service in Washington DC in 1865. At their highest point, the 20th had mustered some 1,625 men.