Developed as early as the 15th Century, The Hyeopdo was a traditional Pole Arm of Korea. Hyeopdo (translated to Eyebrow Sword), was so named for it's resemblance to the facial feature. The curved blade measured roughly 15 to 18 inches long and almost 5 inches wide (at it's broadest point). Single-edged, it featured a small “hook-latch” extension (that – unlike most Pole Arms featuring this appendage – was NOT for pulling down a mounted soldier). The extension was fitted with a small feather or silken cloth as was use as a “distraction tactic” in the somewhat elaborate “kata” technique designed for The Hyeopdo's deployment. The wooden staff (around 6 to 8 feet long), also included a semi-sharpened spike (used as a thrusting weapon). Although it was used to attack mounted troops, it's primary function was an infantry weapon. Some variations were used as late as the 17th/18th Centuries as Ceremonial or Guard weapons.