Japanese Bajozutsu

  • Firearms Thru History
  • 1 min

By Crusader1307

Developed from earlier experimentation with firearm design and gunpowder (from China and European contact), by the 15th Century, firearms were becoming more and more common on Japanese battlefields. Shunned by many of the warrior elite Samurai Class (as “unmanly” and lacking “virtue”), the firearm would slowly become the primary weapon in Japan (even over The Katana). The Bajozutsu Pistol was of the Matchlock Classification of firearms. At roughly 24-inches long, the Pistol was made of wood with brass and iron components. Using a comparable (European) lead ball of .50 caliber, the were fired by applying a powder charge down the barrel. A vent opening at the side breach of the barrel was open and exposed by a drop Slow Match (attached and lowered via a clamp lever). The hemp rope (a slow burning cloth-like, woven material) – would ignite the powder (and shot). The Bajozutsu only had a 50 to 75 yard range (and was prone to the common problem of dampness – as were most Matchlock firearms). This pistol was popular (to some degree), with mounted troops (cavalry).