Jacquotte Delahaye

  • Piracy
  • 1 min

By Crusader1307

Nicknamed “Back From The Dead, Red” for her ability to seem to survive any armed encounter and as much for her “bright” Red Hair, Jacquotte Delahaye may have been born around 1630 in Haiti (The Caribbean). It is speculated that she had a French Father and Haitian Mother, who died during her birth. Growing up mostly poor, she haunted The Port of Haiti and became enthrawled by the life of a Pirate. She no doubt was well aware that there was very few Female Pirates, but nonetheless was undaunted. Legend states that Jacquotte's Father was murdered by British Seamen (or Soldiers). This cemented her determination to become a Pirate. Jacquotte is often credited with founding the so-called Pirate Republic of Libertalia. During her time as a Pirate, she was credited with commanding several Ships and hundreds of Pirates. It is told, that she and her band were killed in battle trying to defend Libertalia from British attack (although no real proof exists of either).