German ''H'' - Class Battleship

  • Warships Of History
  • 1 min

By Crusader1307

Although The German Kriegsmarine Ships “Bismarck” and “Tripitz” were considered the largest Battleships built during World War II, Germany had plans to develop an even larger Class of Warship. These were proposed as The “H”-Class. As early as 1936, plans were to be implemented to built a series of massive Battleships, primarily to rival The American “Iowa”-Class of Warships. Envisioned to be over 900-feet long, The “H”-Class would have displaced 129,000-tons. Their height was determined to be 170-feet (Beam). (12) Massive MAN 9-cylinder Diesel Engines would have allowed The “H”-Class to achieve as much as 60-mph (making them the fastest Ships afloat). As many as 2,000 Crewman would have been required. Nearly 4-inches of Armor plating would have completed the initial Hull and Super structure. The Armament for The “H”-Class was envisioned to be like no other Warship afloat. Her primary Main Guns were to be (8) 20-inch Cannon, (12) 6-Inch Cannon, (16) 4-Inch Guns, (28) 2-Inch Guns, (40) 8mm Deck Cannon with the capabilities of being able to launch (8) 21-Inche Torpedoes. In addition, The “H”-Class could have supported (4) Arado Sea Patrol Float Planes. Although (4) such “Super Battleships” were planned, with construction scheduled to begin in 1941 – Germany’s eventual loss of “Bismarck” and an ever tightening Naval Blockade and later Allied Bombing Missions would cancel any future Projects.