The Term ''False Title'' is generally associated (in Heraldry) - with erroneous ''Royal'' or ''Noble'' Titling which either are no longer recognized or in most cases, are NOT legitimate. Many such Titles can be traced back to France (and later England) around the 11th Century. Many such Titles (which exist even today), started out as actual familial (and given by Royalty) - Titles. However, with Lines ''dying out'' or now longer recognized (by virtue of political intrigues - such as Treason or false alignments), such ''Royal and Noble Names'' are not valid.
Associated with False Titles, are the false Heraldry which accompanies them. The manufacturing of both False Titles and Coats of Arms was so prevailent by the 1920s, that many legitimate Royal Houses (especially in England and Germany) enacted National Laws to require in-depth ''proof'' to establish ANY form of claimed Lineage. In most of Europe (as of 2012) many of these Laws of Nobility are still in effect (but the manufacture and sale of such is still a ''booming business'' for some).