Egyptian HA-300 Interceptor Jet

  • Cold War
  • 1 min

By Crusader1307

A low produced Interceptor Fighter Jet used by The Egyptian Air Force, The HA-300 Interceptor was first deployed in 1964. Original designs came from Germany. Only (7) HA-300s were produced and used mostly as Regional Defense aircraft. The overall cost for local development proved too daunting for The Egyptian Government (who stopped their production in 1969, in favor of Soviet purchases). Crewed by (1), The HA-300 was 40-feet long with a wingspan of 20-feet. Power came from (1) Bristol Orpheus Turbojet Engine which produced over 4,000-IBF. The Model could achieve Mach 1.3 at 1,300-mph. Operational ceiling was 60,000-feet. Armament was basic at Twin 30mm Hispano Machine Guns or (4) 23mm Cannon. Munition Packages were regulated to (4) Air to Air Missiles of various Types.