British ''Humber'' Armored Scout Car

  • World War II
  • Less than 1 min

By Crusader1307

The ''Humber'' was a British Armored Scout Vehicle first deployed in 1942 (World War II). Unlike other Scout and Armored Cars, The ''Humbler'' was used almost exclusively in The European Theater of War. Several hundred were produced until 1945. The ''Humber'' would be replaced by The ''Ferret'' Armored Car. Used by (10) Allied Nations as well, The ''Humber'' was 12-feet long and 6-feet wide. They stood 7-feet in height and were crewed by (2). Using a 6-cylinder Gas Engine, they could range 200-miles at 60-mph. They operated on Twin axles (4) Tires and had independent suspension and 4-wheeled drive. Armor was roughly 1-inch, and The ''Humber'' supported only Twin .303 Caliber Machine Guns. Most in British usage were destroyed in the 1960s during various target practices. Only (20) are still known to survive in both private collections and Museum displays.