British Blackburn B-101 ''Beverley'' Cargo Plane

  • Cold War
  • 1 min

By Crusader1307

The British Blackburn ''Beverley'' Cargo and Transport Airplane was a Heavy Cargo Craft used extensively by The Royal Air Force from 1955 until 1967. (50) were produced and deployed with (5) variants known. They were used mostly in Disaster Relief Missions, with known deployed into active combat. The Blackburn ''Beverley'' was seen as a ''workhorse'' of Cargo Transport Missions. It was also pressed into service as an airborne platform for Paratrooper deployments. Crewed by (6), The ''Beverley'' was 100-feet in length with a wingspan of 163-feet. They were powered by (4) Bristol Centaurus 18-cylinder Radial Engines, each producing over 2,000-HP. Airspeed was rated at 240-mph and they had an operation ceiling of 16,000-feet. Mission ranges were 1,300-miles. The B-101 could support 44,000-lbs of Cargo or (70) Soldiers. Only (1) is known to still exist as a static Model in England.