Associated with Burma (and later portions of Southern India) - a ''Zawgyi'' was (once) a Human practioneer of Magic and Healing Arts, who thru a need for ever constant ''knowledge'', was transformed into a ''Spirit-Like'' Deity. Often seen as being neither ''Good nor Evil'', The Zawgyi could assume both roles (even specializing) as such. Akin to a ''Witch Doctor'' by some, They were conjured by those needing a serious cure or (if evil) - a sure fire incantation for a Curse. The Mythos of The ''Zawgyi'' would thru Commerce, make it's way to portions of Southern India. Many associate the Class of ''Warlock'' with both ''Yellow'' and ''Black'' Shamanism. Zawgy were also associated with the color Red as well as the carrying of a long wooden Staff or Wand.