Wara Ningyo

  • Witchcraft
  • 1 min

By Crusader1307

Dating back to 14th Century AD Feudal Japan, the principle of The ''Wara Ningyo'' was very similar to The Caribbean (Folk Magic) usage of the iconic ''Voodoo Doll''. Warlocks and Witches would be commissioned to ''curse'' a Person. A small ''doll'' made of straw was weaved together (a fetish). Upon a block of wood (later paper), was written the Cursed Persons name and ''kind'' of suffering by which they would be afflicted. The Doll was then ''nailed'' onto the wooden board with enchanted nails. The whole affair would be then sent to the cursed for Him (or Her) to be suitably ''notified''.


Much of The Wara Ningyo practices could very well be seen as a form of obvious ''sympathetic magic'' - or rather, ''If You so Believe in Something...IT WILL Occur!'' Many such dicumented Cases of the practice show Victims dying from plague, war, suicide and of course...accident. The Wara Ningyo would continue (in kind), well into the 20th Century, with many ''Kits'' still being sold even today.......