The SS ''Ramsey'' Photograph

  • Extraterrestrial Abductions and Evidence
  • 1 min

By Crusader1307

Another highly debated photograph of a reputed Close Encounter , comes from 1957. The SS Ramsey was an English Freighter enroute to American Ports, via The Gulf of Mexico. However in November of 1957, something unusual happened to her crew. A normal morning, Charles Fogel was on deck when he heard a loud boom in the skies overhead. The noise caused the entire Ship to shake. Fogel looked up and what appeared to be an Oval-like Craft , hovering over The Ramsey . Staring in awe, Fogel ran to his Quarters to retrieve his camera. Returning, the Object was still in a position over the ship. The Craft was now slowly moving to maintain speed with The Ship. Fogel was now joined by several other of the crew. Fogel took a Black and White photograph of the incredible encounter. He (and others), described the Object as smooth and silvery Metal . What appeared to be a ladder and windows . It was also noticed that The Ship was slightly vibrating. The Craft never moved from it's estimate height of 300-feet above The Ramsey .


Slowing speeding up. The Object began to climb to a great height. The farther it rose the more it began to achieve a kind of glow , until all detail was lost in what was described as a ball of light . The Captain of The Ramsey sent a radio message to Port, detailing the encounter. Upon reaching Harbor, no investigation was launched. When Fogel went home to England, he developed his film and sure enough, there was the Object. Fogel gave His story to local News, who seemed more intent on ridiculing him the reporting his story impartially. It was said that examination of his camera and the negative, showed no hoax or deception. But by then Fogel wad soured on Public interaction with his story. It wasn't until the 1970s that he again tried to relate his tale. Government Top Secret Test or bonifide encounter with a curious Visitor from another World. You judge .......