The Kingman Crash

  • UFO Case Studies
  • 2 mins

By Crusader1307

Although The ''Crashes ''at Roswell and Soccoro (New Mexico), are the two most well known of all UFO crashes in The United States, yet another such incident happened in 1953, near Kingman, Arizona. The case was witnessed by just as many as had Roswell and has been equally denied to have happened by The US Government. On May 21, in the deserts surrounding Kingman Airport radar detected an Object traveling at unbelievable speeds, at around 3 AM. Local Military Authorities were telephones. According to some Airport Tower Staff interviewed later, The Military acknowledged that they too had been monitoring> the in-coming Object . Jets had been dispatched to intercept it.


At around 330 AM, a tremblor was felt coming from the far Northern portion of the desert. Whereas advanced earthquake registering equipment was in it s infancy, none was present to give an accurate reading. Some eyewitnesses stated that they also saw what appeared to be a bright flash of light coming from the direct of the rumbling . Within minutes, the skies over the airport were full of Military aircraft. The Air Control Tower was asked to clear several dozens of private aircraft. It was said by witnesses that the majority of passengers that got off the aircraft appeared to be Scientists of sorts. These men were seen to get into Army Trucks and head towards what was fast becoming a staging area .


Other accounts claiming to have been at the actual site, state that they saw what appeared to be an immense Silver Dome, which appeared to have crashed into the desert floor. Although damaged by the crash, the Object appeared to be intact. Some have also stated that bodies of strange, elongated humanoid creatures were seen, as if they had been ejected from The Craft. It was said later that after a 48-hour period, the Object and all possible wreckage was gathered up and transported to both the soon to be (and quite mysterious), Groom Lake (aka Area 51 ) as well as Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. The Government denied any crash, but in the 1960s admitted that a test aircraft had crashed into The Kingman desert. The secrecy was due to fear of disclosure to possible Soviet espionage. The Site is regularly visited by UFOlogists (and the curious) to this day.