The Hynek Scale

  • Extraterrestrial Abductions and Evidence
  • 2 mins

By Crusader1307

Dr. J. Allen Hynek was a well known Astrophysicist (Phd) and Professor of Astronomy. He was chosen by The US Government (USAF) in 1947 as Top Civilian Scientist for all 3 of their UFO investigations Projects (Sign, Grudge and Blue Book). From 1947 to 1969, Dr. Hynek's task was to debunk ALL reports and supposed evidence of UFOs and Alien Contact. He was a skeptic (and proud of it). However, Hynek noticed that roughly 11% of all reports could NOT be debunked! The Government did not want to hear this (work harder to debunk even twist the findings). Hynek began to see that The Government didn't want proof . After Project: Blue Book was closed (1969) he formed his own private Investigation and Research Foundation. Slowly his perceptions changed with regards to UFO reports. In 1971, he published his first book on the subject - The UFO Experience . In his book, Hynek outlined his now famous Classification Scale . This scale is used to determine what type of encounter one could have . The scale was added to by his Associates Jacques Vallee and Ted Bloecher. The following is the Classification as used today:



(NL) Nocturnal Lights or sightings reported from dusk till dawn.

(DD) Daylight Discs or Saucer-shaped Objects seen during daylight hours.

(RV) Radar/Visual or Objects that are tracked and recorded by Civilian and Military Radar



CLOSE ENCOUNTER OF THE FIRST KIND  - Visual sighting of an Object from 500 feet or less (this number has been added to and subtracted from MANY times).


CLOSE ENCOUNTER OF THE SECOND KIND  - Physical contact with Object or the collection of physical evidence of said contact.


CLOSE ENCOUNTER OF THE THIRD KIND -  Actual contact with Alien Being and or being taken into said Object (without force and of one's own free will).


CLOSE ENCOUNTER OF THE FOURTH KIND  - Abduction (against one's will) by Alien Beings. Subjects taken are often experimented on . In some Case's Subjects are NOT returned.


CLOSE ENCOUNTER OF THE FIFTH KIND - Some form of direct communication between Alien Beings and Subject (or animals). This can be vocalized or through telepathy. In rare cases, it can also be through electronic transmission.


CLOSE ENCOUNTER OF THE SIXTH KIND - An animal or Human fatality which resulted from contact with an Alien Being or UFO. This can be through accident or by design.


CLOSE ENCOUNTER OF THE SEVENTH KIND The direct creation of a Hybrid Being from Human and Alien coupling . This can be through direct or Artificial means.