The Green Lady of Wahiawa Park

  • Ghosts and Hauntings
  • 1 min

By Crusader1307

Wahiawa is a Wilderness Area located on Hawaii (US) Oahu Island. Almost 3-miles is total, the lush Jungle landscape is dotted with trails – just the thing for the many hundreds of Tourists to who there to enjoy the scenery. One can also ''enjoy'' an Urban Legend about ''The Green Lady''. ''Her'' tale is disputed regarding it's age. Some say hundreds of years while others – perhaps only 50 odd. It is said ''The Lady'' like to take Her children there to walk, until one day they disappeared. It is unclear if the act was foul play or they simply wandered off, became lost and were never found in the dense and often confusing terrain. Many people tried in vain to locate them. The loss was too much much for their Mother, who would soon take Her own life. As it goes, ''The Lady'' (who as it goes, liked the color Green), is still said to be ''seen'' – wandering the trails searching for Her Children. In a variation, ''The Lady'' is somewhat malevolent. Unable to find Her own children, She will try and ''steal'' another Mother's kids. In The Region several ''Missing Children cases were filed with Police, but as stated – it is easy to become lost and succumb to the perils of Nature (falls, dehydration etc.).....or perhaps ''The Green Lady'' is REAL!