Related (to a degree) to ''The Conjuring'' Franchise of Horror Films, ''The Crooked Man'' was a 2016 Horror Movie which featured a demonic Entity known as ''Crooked Man''. A version of the demon was seen in ''The Conjuring 2'' and is the same ''paranormal universe'' as Annabelle The Doll and The Nun. In the 2016 Film, a group of pre-teen girls playing on a laptop during a slumber party, decide to read scary stories on a ''Creepypasta'' type of site. They read The Legend of Crooked Man and accidentally invoke the demon. Only able to exist in darkness, The Entity kills one of the girls. Police believe that the crime was really done by one of the other girls, but cannot prove it. As such, she is shunned and ridiculed by The Town. Even the girls present (who saw ''Crooked Man'' – doubt what they saw and think it was their friend. The girl is forced to leave Town.
Returning in Her 20s, Her name is still shunned. Her friends have grown (one of which is a young local policeman who had a crush on the girl). However, as soon as the girl arrives in Town, more and more murders begin anew – in particular, the other girls present that night. It is ''The Crooked Man'' Demon again. We learn that back in the day, a local Internet Writer (who created the Story Site), published The Crooked Man Story. By reading such, one can ''summon'' The Demon. The Writer had no idea of what he had done and when discovered, He has spent years trying to find ways to stop the creature.
According to research, The Demon is possibly thousands of generations old. In time, it was captured inside a music box which played (of course), the musical version of the old English tale of ''There Was A Crooked Man''. The only way to stop the creature is to play the song to it's conclusion. The girl and Her Police boyfriend find the original music box and set out to trap ''Crooked Man''. They track the beast to a field in which ''His'' crooked house appears. Summoning the demon, and nearly being killed by it, the girl is able to finish the song and cause ''Crooked Man'' to dissolve formless back into His ''prison''. The girl runs out just as the crooked house begins to sink into a vortex. She throws the music box with Crooked Man into it as well. Tidy ending, right?
Wrong. Later, learning of the ''death'' of Crooked Man, The Writer destroys His notes and information on the demon and shuts down His website. However, the site ''comes back to life'' with an image of ''Crooked Man''. Scary ending and done? NO........Somewhere in another City, three pre-teen girls sit in front of a laptop. One of the girls asks ''Did You Ever Hear The Story about The Crooked Man?'' (Now it's over). The film has it's moments, but is somewhat of a ''Freddy Kruger'' rip-off (sans the funny remarks of Freddy). In fact, Crooked Man only growls and ''walks with a disjointed movement''. Much could have been done to the story, which wasn't. Some scary points and fair ''gore effects'' are about the only passing marks. The film did rather poorly so no plans of sequels were developed.