The CARET Project

  • Extraterrestrial Abductions and Evidence
  • 1 min

By Crusader1307

It has long been speculated that The US Government had had possession of both ''complete'' Alien Spacecraft and wreckage recovered from Alien Contact. Many have also speculated that, since 1947 (Roswell) – the major technological ''leaps'' in Humanity are actually the ''fruits'' of a process known as ''Back Engineering''. As the term is applied to UFO Study, Back Engineering is the process by which Alien Technology is studied in such a way as to determine it's operation by examining ''working components'' and theorizing ''how'' they interact with other non-working components. By replicating these theories, One is capable of determining ''how'' an Object or piece of technology works and can be reproduced. This theory leads us to Project: CARET or ''Commercial Applications Research for Extraterrestrial Technology''.


The proposed Project was how to adapt Alien Technology into advances in Commercial Transportation as well as Space Exploration. One of the first pieces of advanced equipment back engineered was was could well be seen as the first ''Drone'' (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle). Taken supposedly from a downed Spaceship recovered – the ''Probe Device'' was recreated into a quite ''Alien'' flying device, which used a form of Electro-magnetic power system. And while the initial ''Prototype'' used a more conventional form of power and lift (as in today's Drones), the idea was actually derived from Alien Sources. Photographs and Documents were well hidden for years, before being ''accidentally leaked'' to The Public in the early 2000s. Of course, The Government cites the entire ''story'' is a Hoax (or perhaps even this is ''Disinformation'').