Strange name, but it WILL make sense soon – is the name given to an underwater anomaly first recorded in 1997, in The Pacific Ocean. NOAA (The National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration of The US), routinely monitors and records (film and sound), many natural and man-made events in The Oceans. On one particular day in 1997, Technicians recorded a seconds long sound. The ‘’noise’’ was a ‘’single frequency’’ signal which computers translated into a ‘’BLOOP’’ noise (much as if a giant bubble popped underwater). The first conclusion was that ‘’BLOOP’’ was nothing more than ‘’Whale Song’’ or perhaps a Giant Octopus or Squid. But of the thousands of sounds cataloged and stored for reference, NOTHING matched. Further, sounds record from geological events (undersea earthquakes, tidal effects, even undersea rocks and mountains collapsing), were NOT matched. Finally, man-made sources were likewise referenced. Again nothing. Fringe Science ‘’believers’’ quickly associated the sound with possible submerged ‘’Alien Life’’ (USO – Underwater Submerged Object). Even these theories failed. The overall idea given? Perhaps ‘’BLOOP’’ is a noise made by a unknown and undiscovered Sea Creature. But all Scientists quickly agree that to generate the sound (which all agree is from an animal), would be massive in length and weight. Perhaps ‘’BLOOP’’, much like the long thought extinct Coelacanth is a deep sea prehistoric survivor. Since 1997, ‘’BLOOP’’ has not been ‘’detected’’. BUT TIME WILL TELL….