The ''Black Stick Men''

  • Urban Legends
  • 1 min

By Crusader1307

Since the early 2000s, The Internet has been ''abuzz'' with images of strange Entities – which are known collectively, as   ''The Stick Men''. Their name comes from a small Child's first ''attempt'' at drawing a ''Human looking'' image. But – it seems, from all over The World, One can find video and photographs of ''large Creatures with elongated arms and legs'', crossing streets or literally ''climbing'' over and onto buildings, bridges etc. almost ''Spider-Like'' at glance, These ''Beings'' are always ''Black''. ''They'' move with a steady purpose as well. Linked to everything from The Paranormal to ''Alien Contacts'', the eact nature of what ''The Stick Men'' are is still unknown. MANY of the provided ''evidence'' has been easily found to be ''faked'' and hoax''. But, some are just as unexplained. As stated, ''They'' are found just about (reported) in EVERY City (mostly large Urban locations), and seem to be oblivious to IF ''They'' are seen or not (Mostly at Night, of Course).............