In many Far Eastern Cultures, The ‘’Ruyi’’ was comparable to The European Scepter – wielded by Royalty (Kings, Emperors etc.) A symbol of Power, The Ruyi was also seen as a powerful Talisman (for Good Luck). Made of various precious metals, often inlaid in jewels, They could be made of Ivory or other bone-like materiel as well. Typically a Ruyi was roughly 12 to 15-inched in length and of various widths. They featured a slight ‘’S’’-shaped curve, with a small, flattened plate on the top. This plate could be ‘’touched’’ to the Head or body part of a person so venerated. Some Ruyi were even seen as magical. The first example (known) of their use, began around the 2nd Century BC in Ancient China, and spreading (thru invasion and colonization) to Korea and Japan.