Dating to the 14th Century and Prussia – The Peckols were envisioned as Three Male Deities who were tasked with transporting The Dead to The Underworld and insuring ''they'' remain. They were possibly derived from Pagan Beliefs relating to Folk Mythology. The Peckols have White Hair and Beards, and dress in long robes, of different colors. They ''appear'' to be of ''foreign'' extract in a ''foreign land''. It was said that if they were so angered, they would release Souls upon The Earth to ''haunt and torment'' The Living. Special Flags were designed which featured The Peckol images. Imprinted upon the flag was a series of Invocations against their intervention. These were flown in some Villages for protection. Western Christianity tried to remove much of this Pagan Belief but variation on their Folk Tale can be found as late as the 19th Century AD.