
  • Ancient Gods
  • 1 min

By Crusader1307

In The Gambian and Senegal (Africa) Culture, ''Pangool'' were classed into two distinct types. They were ''seen'' originally'' as non-Human Spirits who assisted The Kings and Queens of The Tribe. They also served as their protectors and later as those of their People. Later in their Culture, Pangool classifications were widened to include Ancestral Spirits as well. However, NOT every Ancestor was classed as a Pangool in Death. Normally, a Person needed to be a very valuable asset to their People before 'becoming'' a Pangool. Thus there were Human and non-Human forms. Pangools can be seen as a form of Folk Magic Entities, very similar to The Haitian Loa and Ghede (Voodoo, etc.) Likewise, they were ''appeased'' in similar but different ways. Veneration required offerings. Whereas the color ''Red'' was most associated with The Pangool, ''non-Human'' Pangools were given domesticated animal blood as a sacrifice (never wild). Further, Sugar and Flour – as well as other offerings were given. Human forms were offered Prayer and long Rituals. Pangools were never invoked during Conflict or strife. Doing so was seen as an ultimate sign of disrespect .