Nan Tuck

  • Urban Legends
  • 1 min

By Crusader1307

 In the Village of Buxted, East Sussex, England, a local legend rings just as true today as it did back in the 17th Century. It center around a strip of road called Nan Tuck Lane and an adjoining piece of land. It was said that one Nan Tuck, a woman who was thought to be very vengeful, sought revenge for some slight against a Man from Buxted. She sought poison as Her method. After the deed, Nan left Town. It took very little effort for those seeking Justice to figure out it was Nan and began their pursuit. Nan ran and hid in the woods. The Legend states that it was well known of a local Chapel which gave Sanctuary to anyone. Nan was supposedly heading there. But something happened. For some reason, Nan never made it. It fact, She simply ''vanished''. However, withing weeks of giving up the pursuit, Locals found a large strip of land which was totally dead. No grass or plant would grow there. The overall shape of the blight was said to be a ''perfect square''. Woodsman claimed that it had never been there prior to discovery. Many thought that Nan met Her end by ''Supernatural'' means – perhaps even ''struck down by God Himself'' for Her crime.



For many Centuries after, strange stories have come from that section of woods and the nearby Road, which became known as ''Nan Tuck Lane''. Originally, Carts going down the road would find that upon reaching the ''dead spot'', a Horse, Mule or Oxen will NOT move (causing their rider or driver to turn around and seek another way). Later, with the advent of automobiles, Car would regularly suffer ''mechanical problems'' when they too traversed a ''certain portion of the road''. Further reports of ''Orbs of pale Light'' seen ''floating both in the woods and along the Lane'', were attributed to ''Nan'' either still trying to ''reach The Chapel'' or ''haunting'' the Area – ''unclear'' as to ''why'' She will never ''find it''.