Ludwig The Bloodsucker

  • Urban Legends
  • 1 min

By Crusader1307

 Perhaps one of the earliest examples of Urban Legends in America, ''Ludwig The Bloodsucker'' is also considered one of The United states ''first'' forms of Vampire Lore. ''Ludwig'' was first ''reported'' in New York City around the 1870s. A ''lurking'' figure in The Bowery (one of The City's more seedy and equally dangerous of locals), ''He'' only seemed to attack those who were inebriated. And while called a ''bloodsucker'', Ludwig used a knife to cut His victims (normally their throats). From this injury – He drank their blood – often from a wooden cup, in ''great gulps''.

''Ludwig'' was so named for His somewhat German features. ''Tall and swarthy'', He was said bu some accounts – to dress every much a ''Gentleman'' (although some say He was a ''squirmy denizen of The Underworld'' (it depends of which ''Class'' of person was telling the Tale). The story became very popular, with every dead person found by Police (and there were MANY in The Bowery) – the victim was one of ''Ludwig's''. Police did investigate the stories of Ludwig, but found no concrete evidence that ''He'' existed (or didn't for that matter).

In time, ''Ludwig The Bloodsucker'' – like all Urban Legends, began to die out. By the turn of the Century (19th to 20th), very few stories were told. But who knows what was true and what was false – especially in the dark World of The Bowery of New York – EVEN today!