While not as well known as it's ''Famous Cousin'' in Loch Ness – ''Lizzie'' is said to inhabit The Loch Lochy, located in Lochabar, Scotland. The Loch, measuring to 230-feet at it's deepest – is 9-miles long in length. Known locally as ''The River Horse'', for the Beast supposedly having a ''horse-like'' head, ''Lizzie'' (as it became known) – dates to the 14th Century AD. Very docile and ''friendly'' – no photographic proof has ever been offered of ''Lizzie''. Those who have ''seen'' the Beast, state that ''She'' may be as much as 75-feet long, with (4) flipper-like extensions on it's body. Said to be either ''dark Gray'' or even ''dark Green'' – ''Lizzie's Legend'' still endures.