
  • Demons and Devils
  • 1 min

By Crusader1307

According to Native American Inuit (Alaskan) Legends, The Keelut is a form of demonic Earth Spirit – very similar to the previously discussed ''Church Grim''. As a ''Demon Canine'', The Keelut are said to be hairless, save a patch of fur on their back and the fact that each ''paw'' is likewise covered. This is so their tracks will not be seen in the snow (or at best, obscured). The Keelut hunt humans, by causing them to become disoriented in the snow. So lost, the victim will die from hypothermia and become The Keelut's ''meal''. Thousands of years old, The Keelut ''legend'' may have well been more of a cautionary tale – meant to teach Inuit children the dangers of wandering off in such a barren and foreboding land.