In yet another American urban Legend, ''Joe Bush'' made ''His'' appearance in the 1920s. He is said to be a Ghost who haunts the old Sumpter Valley Gold Processing Site, in The US State of Oregon. His origins, state He was a Worker on Dredge No. 42. In a ''freak accident'', a powerful stream of water (a process used to extract Gold, seen safer than Mining), Joe was washed down the wooden flume and lost. Perhaps He was buried alive in the many tons of wet sand. No one is sure, for His body was never found. The Company did not put much work into locating it, and even (it is said), lied on an Insurance Claim, so that His Wife could not collect on Life Insurance. ''Joe's Ghost'' was reported many time thru the late 1940s, not only ''mucking up'' the machinery, but making sure that no Gold would ever be pulled out of the Vein again. His ''wet and sandy footprints'' were often found throughout the Work Platforms. Perhaps this is the real reason The Dredge was shut down in 1942. No One is sure. But on several times, People surveying the area, state that they have ''seen'' a ''lone worker'' still on the remains of The Dredge....perhaps it is Joe.