As seen, The Dragon was a powerful creature in many Asian Cultures for many thousands of Centuries. They may have been based on prehistoric creatures and given life through the many legends and myths. China was a major developer in The Cult of The Dragon . There were many different species and types of Dragons, many with specific skills and powers to bestow upon their faithful followers. So too in The Korean Culture did Dragons and their related species live. The most common was The Imugi. These were very long and serpentine creatures, ranging from several hundred to several thousands of feet in length. Unlike a traditional Dragon, The Imugi had no wings and could not fly. They could however float above the Earth. This was accomplished through magic.
The Imugi were seen as Protectors of the sacred Land of Korea and were thus linked to it s Ruling Houses (Kings and Queens). A special spiritual bond was said to exist, more so due to the fact that King s and Queen were seen as supernatural beings as well. Korean Royalty could summon an Imugi for protection of The Land. They would only obey good and wise Rulers and were supposedly incapable of being corrupted by greed or power. Said to have a long life of 1,000 years it was important for The Imugi to breed and make children. It took many years for two to create one. Only one offspring were said to be able to be created at any given 1,000 year period. The Imugi were also said to produce live births and did not lay eggs.