''Hellboy'' (''Abe Sapien'') (2005)

  • Celluloid Terror
  • 1 min

By Crusader1307

A Major character from The Hellboy Film Series, ''Abe Sapien'' is as mysterious and His Alien appearance is. Adapted from the earlier Graphic Novels – He had a different origin that that first put forth in the 2005 Film version of Hellboy. Discovered in 1864 by an American Naval Expedition, the ''Fish Man'' was taken back to The Smithsonian Institute and studied. His ''name'' taken from then US President Abraham Lincoln and the marriage of the species identifier ''Sapien''. Unclear as to His origins (or even exact age), ''Abe'' must remain in water (breathing thru His Gills). Becoming part of the ultra secret Paranormal Defense Agency that protects The US (and The World) from ''Evil Magical Forces'' bent on taking over The Planet, ''Abe'' can walk around around wearing a specially designed suit. He has the ability to ''sense'' other paranormal Entities, as well as the ability to swim at great speeds. ''Abe'' also possesses great intelligence (genius level). His character is given a much more in-depth development in the Graphic Novels, and remade Movie (2019).