Although the Title of this Article is somewhat confusing, Hollywood Forever is actually the name of one of most famous Cemeteries in California (if not The World). The Cemetery which was created in 1899, was once a humble and simple Patch of land when Hollywood was nothing more than vast Orange Groves with a few hundred Residents. With the advent of Movies, Hollywood would become a Mecca of Film Makers and potential Stars. The Sunny climate and broad variety of different locations, made it highly desirable. As Films became more and more popular, as did it s Stars, The then, Hollywood Cemetery , became a point for famous burials. The List of those laid to rest, is a virtual Who s Who s Encyclopedia of the greatest Film Stars in History. Located directly across from the famed Paramount Studios, by the 1990s, Hollywood Cemetery had fallen into ruin. Poor Management, vandalism and the like all took their tool in turning it into a horrid eyesore. The Cemetery was purchased by an enterprising group of young Business persons, who turned the Cemetery around. Completely renovated and redesigned, the renamed Hollywood Forever , became a major spot for Visitors and Family (one does not have to be a Celebrity to be laid to rest there). However (for years), Hollywood Cemetery is considered one of the most haunted Cemeteries in The State.
The List of famous Spirits are equally impressive. Most do not simply wander the grounds at night. Nearby Paramount Studios is their gathering spot , it seems. Silent Film Star, Rudolph Valentino, is probably one of the most experienced . Studio Workers have seen him wandering the empty Sound Stages (even walking thru Walls). The Cemetery itself is a hotbed of Ghost Orbs and mysterious Mists that hover and dart. To date, no bad intentions or Poltergeist activities are ever reported, and the famous Spooks seem content that they are still remembered as the former Stars they were.