''Durendal'', The Sword of Roland

  • Legends From Around The World
  • 1 min

By Crusader1307

The Sword of Charlemagne's ‘’mythical’’ Knight, Roland -  ‘’Durendal’’ is considered The ‘’Matter of France’’. As the Legend goes, an Angel gave the sword to Charlemagne (who in turn gave it to Roland). Further, the blade was said to be the actual one used by Hector (of Troy). Still yet, other legends have the blade to contain a tooth from St. Peter, blood from St. Basil, a piece of hair from St. Denis and FINALLY - a fragment of clothing from The Virgin Mary! Durendal was said to be the sharpest blade in the world. Roland was said to have held off a Muslim Army of 100,000. Some say, to keep the blade from falling into enemy hands, Roland threw it of the highest cliff in The Pyrenees. YET another has him placing Durendal into a stone (familiar?). It is said that a fragment of the legendary blade is present in a wall within the town of Rocamdour, France.