
  • Legends From Around The World
  • 1 min

By Crusader1307

A Russian myth, The Domovoi is a "Guardian Spirit" - associated with Family dwellings. The creatures are humanoid Beings that are covered and fur (often resembling household cats). They are quiet, save the "creaks" one hears at night (these are the Domovoi moving around your house). They love horses, and any Family with a stable will have they stables always clean and horses always well groomed. They also hate dirty dishes. The Domovoi are Shapeshifters. The mist often take human form in the guise of the Master of The Home they reside. They are often seen in the World as old men with long beards. Domovoi can be vindictive. If one dies not appreciate them and leave food for them, they will neglect one's horses (even causing their death). Also if one leaves dirty dishes, they will break them all.