From Ancient Japan comes this evil little spirit. The Datsue Ba is a female spirit who preys on other spirits. She lives on the banks of The River of The Dead (and works in concert with other hurtful Demons). Datsue Ba likes to target ignorant souls (like young children and teenagers). She will tell these souls that if they take off all their clothes and build a Pebble Bridge over the River, they can cross without having to pay the expected fare . Halfway through the enterprise, she and other Demons destroy the bridge and take their clothes. If an Adult (in life) tries to prepare for Datsue Ba in death by dying WITHOUT clothes she will steal your skin! Further annoyed at trying to beat her , Datsue Ba will tie your head to your feet (and other tortures). The best remedy to avoid running into Datsue Ba in the Afterlife is make SURE your Relative send you off with your River Fare!