Fosston, Minnesota is perhaps no so well known in The United States. But it is the birthplace of a ‘’Tall Tale’’, equally unknown to some. You see, Fosston is where ‘’Cordwood Pete’’ was birthed. Who is Cordwood Pete? Simply put, the younger Brother of another more famed ‘’Tall Tale’’ – none other than ‘’Paul Bunyon’’. NOT a ‘’Giant of A Man’’, as His more celebrated sibling, ‘’Pete’’ was only 4-foot. His stunted growth was attributed to the fact that Paul routinely ‘’ate up everything in sight’’, so poor Pete often ‘’starved’’. Pete’s ‘’Legend’’ centered around having to constantly ‘’live in His Big Brother’s shadow’’. Although most laughed at His size, a Lumber Foreman gave Him a job – cutting cordwood. A living, it angered Pete - who took to drinking. One night, after a particularly ‘’long run’’ of boozing, Pete stole His Brother’s ‘’Mighty Axe’’. Despite His size, Pete spun and spun in a circle – eventually creating enough momentum to keep The Axe spinning. But Pete couldn’t control the rapidly accelerating blade. Around and around in spun (with Pete attached). Very quickly, Pete had ‘’cut 100 Acres clean’’ with tons and tons of wood now available. His Brother Paul was angry, and took back His Axe. Pete nonetheless had ’’earned’’ His own name. He stuck to cutting cordwood happily, until He passed away at 90.