2nd ''lowest'' in The Heirarchy of Angelic Beings – The ''Cherubim'' (or Cherubs), are often depicted in Art as ''unearthly'' or ''non-Human'' in appearance. They are associated with Hybrid Beings, or combinations of Human and Animal. They typically have (2) sets of wings (or 4 such). Originally, The Cherubim were The ''Guardians of The Garden of Eden'', and when Man was cast out from that Paradise, it was they that barred His return. They are seen as both Guardian and Enforcer of God's will. In much later Medieval Art, their strange appearance was lessen to a great extent. Portrayed as ''small, overweight boys'', Cherubs became a very common feature in Western Religious Art, especially in Funerary Art of the 17th thru 19th Centuries AD.