Banwell Bridge

  • Ghosts and Hauntings
  • 1 min

By Crusader1307

Located near Fort Dodge, Iowa (US), is one of Iowa's oldest Iron Bridges. Known officially as The 220th Street Bridge, it is known locally as Banwell Bridge. And since the 1880s, it is a well known spot to find Ghosts and other related Paranormal ''Haunts''. From tragic accidents when the Bridge (a rail pass) was involved in many deaths (both from foul play and suicide), to the very tragic (and grisly) deaths of six children, sacrificed by their disturbed Mother. After committing the heinous act, The Mother hung Herself from The Bridge. To this day, people claim to ''hear'' the ''screams of the suffering children'' in the rolling wheels of passing Freight Trains. In addition, ''Mom'' is still seen – as a ''White Lady'', wandering The Bridge. IF you pass over the Bridge on foot, ''She'' may try and ''grab you'', causing you to fall.