From Slavik Mythology comes The Bannik. Many cultures have Public or Communal Bathhouses. The practice derived from Ancient Greece and Rome. In addition to keeping ones self clean, Bathhouses served as places of business and social gathering. They also seemed to serve as a gathering place for The Bannik. In some cultures, women would also participate in the practice of water births (and special chambers where built inside Bathhouses). Naturally, they would store natural and supernatural energies as a result of these actions. The Bannik was a spirit (created from a myriad of energies). They would protect (and harm), depending on what energies created the being. Bannik's would imitate human activities such as bathing. If someone offended them while they were washing themselves, The Bannik might scald them with boiling water. Banniks were said to be Pagan, and if they saw a Christian image, this would also annoy them (to violent action). One tradition holds that The Bannik can predict the future. One had to go to a chamber in The Bathhouse that the Bannik's were known to use. One had to be nude and stand in the door facing away from the room. If your future was good, you would feel The Bannik stroke your back gently. If not, you would feel sharp claws! They are described as little men (3 to 4 feet tall) and humanoid in appearance. They have long hair and facial hair.