
  • Ancient Gods
  • Less than 1 min

By Crusader1307

 Originally seen as the Prime Deity of many Semitic Cultures Baal was identified as The Storm God . Other Middle Eastern Societies would come to later call him the Lord of Heaven and Earth . He has a similar origin to to that of the Egyptian God, Osiris. Ancient Judea identified him as a Pagan God (and thus in direct opposition to their Creator Deity, Yeweh . Baal was assimilated into 18th Dynasty Egypt as a Cult figure (and was very popular). He is described as Human looking, with a pointed beard (as was the fashion). He is also seen with a conical helmet with twin horns. Often seen holding either a Sword, Cedar Tree or Club, later in his worship Baal was associated with The Bull (and was even depicted in art riding one).