The term ‘’Atmospheric Beasts’’ is a rather new term. Seen as a type of phenomenon (for some), for uncounted Centuries and in many World Cultures, these strange ''living anomalies’’ have been seen and written of. Often rebuked as ‘’legend’’ and ‘’fantasy’’, there are many modern and quite unexplainable examples reported and even photographed to this day. Science has no real explanation or real ‘’debunking'’ for just ‘’what’’ these supposed creatures are. But they do follow a similar pattern and class. Seen only in the higher portions of Earth’s atmosphere, The ‘’Beasts’’ resemble everything from Oceanic Jellyfish to microscopic amoebic lifeforms. The great difference is in their quite often massive size (hundreds to even thousands of feet in length). They ‘’appear’’ transparent (mostly), but all seem to take on a ‘’solid form’’ described as ‘’grayish silver’’. They are seen regardless of weather conditions and regardless of location on The Planet. Some think that these ‘’Atmospheric Beasts’’ are actually part of The Earth’s ecosystem. Others, perhaps Beings from some (occasionally seen) inter-dimensional ‘’realm’’. Reports come from not only ‘’the ground’’ but from Space (as reported by some Astronauts). Still, most decry these Beasts as ‘’imagination'’ and ‘’misidentification’’ (clouds and light refraction). But One must still look at the many Centuries of related reports to wonder……….