Adamic Language

  • World Religious Beliefs
  • 1 min

By Crusader1307

As we have seen with the 16h Century proposition by Biblical Scholars – that Angels spoke (or still speak) a ‘’hidden and mystical’’ language known as ‘’Enochian’’, so too did early Theologians advance the theory of The ‘’Adamic Language’’. Speculated in Judaic Text (as well as Kabbalah), and some early Christian related text, Adamic was the ‘’hidden language’’ taught to Adam (The First Man),by God. This language would flourish well past His ‘’expulsion’’ from Eden and even be spoken by His Sons (Cain and Able). The Adamic Language was also spoken in The ‘’Land of Nod’’ or the rest of The World populated by The Nephilim and Their spawn. It was after Man’s Fall with the Tale of The Tower of Babel, did Adamic speech too ‘’die’’. Some other Scholars state that ‘’Glosssolalia’’ or ‘’Speaking in Tongues’’ is another form of Adamic. Modern Linguists state that neither ‘’Adamic’’ or ‘’Enochian’’ are formed from any known languages.