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  1. Lord_Chris


  • Similar Topics

    • Stronghold Warlords Downloads, Maps, Content Etc

      I'm delighted to announce that we're now accepting Stronghold Warlords maps, files, mods, missions, saved games etc to our site downloads section. We already have the new options in Warlords available for you to choose from when submitting your file. You can upload your content by going to the following link (you must be logged in before using it) : https://www.stronghold-nation.com/downloads/submit/stronghold-warlords/ You can browse our existing content for Stronghold Warlords at the

      in The Town Crier

    • Site Downloads Renovation

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    • Uploading Patches to downloads section

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    • Request: Let's make our own Skirmish Trail

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      in The Town Crier

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