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Lord Vetka

Announcing an exciting new SH2 map contest

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This contest will be a little different to most contests, the map has been made and is fully detailed, it is a stunning map with full detail work and setup to make it as varied as possible, only your imagination to restrict you!


Your job is to make it into either a war or peace scenario, you will have to color in the borders and script in the events to make it into a playable map, every one will have the same rules, no changing the map for any reason.


The map is called "Arden" and is a full size SH2 map, the possibilities are endless, there are 2 sites at the top of the map and 2 more at the bottom that have only one way into them, making for great choke points if you choose, or you could build a large castle almost anywhere on the map and script invasions, there are paths roads lots of resource sites available, the possibilities are endless.


What we are looking for is first to promote this contest and for some valued feedback on how we should promote the contest and any rules you would like to see, any suggestions for this contest would be appreciated.


Lord_Chris is making a video with screen shots of the map to post on "YouTube" that should be up soon.


We have a Kingmaker version and a multi player version of the map and are undecided if we should post it before the contest, any ideas or help would be great!!!


Thanks a lot!!!


Lord Vetka

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The winner will receive a custom made stronghold mouse pad courtesy of vistaprint.co.uk. You can view some examples below, but please note that these are only basic templates and more detail would be spent on them:








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It's a pretty old contest, but I didn't know I could order somewhere a mouse pad to be printed the way I wanted. :) It is logical that it's possible, but still it didn't cross my mind. :)


I like this idea - we could make some more contests like this. Only you missed Stronghold 1 and Stronghold Crusader.


Also, I do know we already have one contest for a prize, so, I wouldn't suggest that we organize another contest for a prize like this, but we can try a similar thing later. Nevertheless, I do not want to suggest to others to spend their money - I hope shipping of these wouldn't be expensive... I mean, it's possible shipping to be more expensive that the prize. :/

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It's not a contest yet, we have no response so have put it on hold for now, your chance may come yet.


I think we might have to offer up a pad with a crest as well. Those are examples, you can have almost what ever you can come up with.


The Arden kingmaker map has been posted in the downloads section, if anyone has any interest in joining the contest, please let us know, download the kingmaker map and see if you might be able to color in some territories and do a bit of scripting and have a map that might win you a custom mouse pad!


If we get some interest we will post the contest map and see what you guys do with it.

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It is a nice idea, I really like it.


I can say I am interested to take part, but I can't promise I would create something, as I have other stuff to do as well. For now, I think it would be the best if we just waited for the current contest to finish, and then to start this one again maybe.

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I'm not sure. I know it's on hold for certain, but you'll need to wait for @Lord Vetka to respond.


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If we have enough people interested then we could start this contest.


Lord Chris, how many interested people would we need to start the contest?


If you are interested in joining the contest please tell us here, when we see enough interested people we could start the contest.


It's a pretty easy contest, take an already made map and color in the territories you want and script in the events, test the map and send it in to be judged.

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I would say about fifteen if possible, because I would like a large variety of maps to test when we do it, I think it would make it better & even harder.


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You might be waiting a while for 15 people to come into the contest:-)


I will put on another challenge map contest like the last one, this time I will make it a Crusader map.


I plan on announcing it soon if that's good for you, maybe with the same prize.

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That's fine by me - you can give the user title as well if you like. Looking forward to it!


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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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So if I'm clear does it have to be peace/war scenario? Or can it be kingmaker?

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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The map itself is already made, all you need to do is script it the way you like and send it in as an entry. It can be a Peace Custom or Custom War map.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Oh wow! That actually sounds great! So we can add invasions and make our own story?

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Anything you like!


More Info:

Edited by Lord_Chris


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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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The map is called Arden and is in the downloads as a kingmaker, I posted it as a kingmaker so people could download the map and look it over play it if you want, there is a separate map for the contest that needs the territories colored in and scripted into a peace or war scenario, any way you like!


The map is a full size map and is highly detailed with a raised crossable bridge, 2 choke points, multiple water falls, hidden paths, plenty of paths and roads and resources found all over the map, the kingmaker has 6 castle sites and lots of village sites, the map is made so you have a large variety of ways to script the map.

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This gallery has been up for some time now, but here is a gallery album full of screenshots that show more about the map you would be using.




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I'm sorry for asking a possibly dull question... Is this contest still up?


If it is, I believe that there are enough of us here who would be interesting to make a scenario with this map. At the time when the map was posted I was less into Stronghold 2 and its scenarios, but now I am, and I hope some one else would also be willing to try to make a scenario? I think we should give competitors more time to make a scenario, and enough time to ask some questions (at Stronghold 2 forum) - how to do some specific thing with the map, and to implement it.

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I think we should give competitors more time to make a scenario, and enough time to ask some questions (at Stronghold 2 forum) - how to do some specific thing with the map, and to implement it.
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Agreed - we will give some time for the contest to start, however, we won't wait forever. I am currently discussing ideas about how to implement better ways to judge the contest and for users to submit entries so that people cannot view entries by other members before the contest is closed .etc.


The contest is still on, however there are a couple of things to be done before we start, for example, an in-depth article on scripting which users could go to for a guide on how to create maps. We do have an editor overview, but that is just an overview and not in any detail about things that do/don't work. We're both currently hard at work on other games, making maps and articles, and as far as I know it's still on-hold. @Lord Vetka can you confirm this?


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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Yes, still on hold, I thought we were waiting for enough interest, something we have had in short supply.


It would be great to get a contest going with this map, but we do need contestants before we can do that.


Any one interested in this contest should say so here, enough interest and we will have the contest, just need enough people, Lord Chris is saying around 10 to 15 people would be great, I would be happy with 5 people:-)

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I am interested. And regarding that article, I am aware of that Vetka might not have much time to do that, so for that reason it could be easier just to give a longer "deadline", so we could ask question at forums; after you answer us some question - then you already have half of your article, if you are able to copy/paste the text. :)

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