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Online gaming with mobile hotsopt

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I?ve been digging around for a while now and I?ve read that you can actually play online games with no problem on mobile hotsopt if you use a third windows device to connect the mobile hotspot to and then running a LAN cable to the game device. I?ve did this and had no luck.?

Any sort of help is really appreciated.

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Each game is setup differently so it depends on which game you're using. I know it does apparently work for SH2, although I've never tried it myself. Networking isn't really my forte but I would suspect that you've incorrectly configured something, from what you've described there. It would help if you were more detailed in your explanation of what you've done.


Also keep in mind that for years Stronghold 2 and other games used to rely on GameSpy for running online games and would work within the game itself. That has no longer been the case since 2016, where GameRanger have taken over in its place and you now much launch the game externally from GameRanger to play online. Depending on where you heard this information and the date of when it was posted could also be a factor as to why it may not be working.


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I imagine if you tried this method of using mobile data with the Steam edition of SH2, it would work fine! In fact, I'll try it myself later :)

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Currently, I?m using GameRanger, since steam does not operate in my country.?

I?ve used two laptops. One that has stronghold on and the other is the one that is connected to the mobile hotspot. I share the mobile hotspot connection by setting up a LAN cable between the internet sharing laptop and the game laptop. I do this because it allows me to setup ports and protocols which the mobile hotspot alone can?t do. This has never worked. Not for stronghold, not for call of duty or anything else. But I?ve seen people doing this, and it works for them.


I tried to be clear as possible about my setup. If there?s anything else you need to know, tell me.

Edited by kian

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Is the game owned on disc then? I only ask because I've also had problems in the past running multiplayer on a certain disc, but a different copy of the game worked fine on disc!



I?ve used two laptops. One that has stronghold on and the other is the one that is connected to the mobile hotspot. I share the mobile hotspot connection by setting up a LAN cable between the internet sharing laptop and the game laptop. I do this because it allows me to setup ports and protocols which the mobile hotspot alone can?t do.
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To clarify, this is your setup:

- 2 separate laptops

- 1 laptop is running an instance of Stronghold (Laptop A)

- the other is used to configure ports and protocols for the mobile hotspot (Laptop B)

- you have then connected the configured mobile hotspot to "Laptop A" via a LAN cable running from "Laptop B"



Am I correct? I'm not 100% sure you said, but you didn't seem to correct either Chris or myself, are you trying to run Stronghold 2? Or a different instalment of Stronghold?

Edited by Mathew Steel

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Okay, so I did some personal testing. I own the game both on Steam and disc luckily! The Steam version works fine on a mobile hotspot. The disc version, also worked fine, but did take quite a while longer to load due to me needing to use GameRanger to test it.?


Can you try running the game without this second laptop? In other words, connect the mobile hotspot directly to the game laptop and see if that works fine!

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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I did as you asked and as I?ve done this many times I wasn?t surprised to see it not working.

You said it worked for you on GameRanger. Were you able to play with othet players? Didn?t you get the symmetric NAT Router message? Because whenever I get this message it simply means I can?t play with others, or very few of them at best.

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I just double checked, and again, no issues. I even tried the same with Battlefield 2 as well, and the game worked fine. You said you're getting a Symmetric NAT Router message. You also said you've another laptop setup to configure ports etc. You should be able to overcome this issue simply by port-forwarding with your mobile hotspot, which is easier said than done. However, you seem to know how since you've got it setup! :)


To clarify, the port GameRanger uses is as follows - 16000 UDP

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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What game are you trying to play like this? And do you want to play it with your friends and family who would be on the other laptop connected to the same hotspot, or with some other people over internet?


If you're trying to play Stronghold Crusader or Stronghold, then you can do it without GameRanger. In fact, I would recommend you to try with Internet TCP/IP Connection for DirectPlay. But SHC1 and SH1 are the only Stronghold games with this option. But it has proven to be more reliable than GameRanger to me lately. I think this way you might even spend almost no data, as everything should go locally - through your hotspot.


That's something I've been wondering myself, but I have never tried it.

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Not only I?m not playing it with others locally but also I?m trying to play stronghold 2 and Legends. I?m using my phone as a hotspot.

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I think you just need to try more options. Maybe with a different phone, or to make a hotspot with a laptop. Or to get one of those mobile internet modems. Some of them are dongles that are plugged into the PC, and some of them are standalone devices that give WiFi.


Also, do track how much megabytes does multiplayer spend. I don't know how your internet provider works: whether they just turn off the internet for you when you spend all your data, or they keep charging you those megabytes by some insane prices, or in some other way.

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Can I recommend trying a different disc? The only options I see possible are:


- your mobile provider doesn?t allow port forwarding

- you?ve port forwarded incorrectly

- there?s an issue with the copy of the game itself

- the Internet connection may simply be too slow



Let me know if you have any more information! I?m busy for most of tomorrow but I?ll do my best to get back to you in time?:)

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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I don?t know if my mobile provider allows for port forwarding but I?m pretty sure I set the ports right(maybe I set the wrong IP). The game is not the issue as I have tried with other games such as Call of Duty and got the same result and I get 20Mb/s speed which I think is good enough


I think you just need to try more options. Maybe with a different phone, or to make a hotspot with a laptop. Or to get one of those mobile internet modems. Some of them are dongles that are plugged into the PC, and some of them are standalone devices that give WiFi.


Also, do track how much megabytes does multiplayer spend. I don't know how your internet provider works: whether they just turn off the internet for you when you spend all your data, or they keep charging you those megabytes by some insane prices, or in some other way.

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I?m pretty sure it?ll work with an LTE modem, because my friend uses an LTE modem to play with me. Maybe I should try a different carrier rather than a different phone first, since I don?t have any extra phones laying around.

Edited by Lord_Chris
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Eagle may be right there! Like I said, my carrier worked just fine, granted I?m in the UK. I know for a fact that most providers prevent port forwarding on mobile devices in all circumstances. However, some do not. I?d check with your provider before we continue on that side of things.


If you can get hold of a friend with a different carrier to yours, perhaps they?d be kind enough to let you test it with their carrier.?

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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I don?t know if my mobile provider allows for port forwarding but I?m pretty sure I set the ports right(maybe I set the wrong IP). The game is not the issue as I have tried with other games such as Call of Duty and got the same result and I get 20Mb/s speed which I think is good enough
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They might be selling you internet with speed up to 20Mb/s, but it doesn't mean you get that speed in your house. There are plenty of apps by which you could test your actual internet speed. Although, if you are getting 3G or LTE with decent signal, then you should be fine I guess.


You could try for start with a game which allows setting the multiplayer by IP address. Which may not actually be your IP address, usually set games using those local addresses such as 192.168.1.xxx. Stronghold Crusader, Stronghold 1, Rise of Nations, and Empire Earth are some of the games that have this option.


And, buddy, if you don't have Stronghold Crusader, then you are a disgrace for Stronghold Nation. :lol: (Just kidding, of course. ;) )

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I do have stronghold crusader and stronghold 1... so no, I?m not a disgrace. And I?m pretty sure I get the whole 20Mb/s when I?m using the internet, but when gaming, I?m not sure that speed is being put to good use

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I feel at this point we really are running around in circles. If you could try what I suggested in my previous reply and get back to us, it would give us a better idea of what to try next! Just remind me, what copy of the game do you own? Is it disc or digital? I may be able to try something my end, then get back to you! :)

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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I use the disc version I believe.

I?m after some one with another carrier but getting to them is hard. All of a sudden people have gone crazy busy.?

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I use the disc version I believe.
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Not sure what you mean by "I believe" :P


Is it the original Stronghold 2 disc, or the Deluxe edition?




Let me know if you have any luck getting your hands on another carrier to try! :)

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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I bought it as a disc but it was clearly pirated and unoriginal. I updated to 1.4.1 myself, it was 1.0 at first.

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To clarify, your copy of the game is pirated?

Edited by Mathew Steel

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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