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All Stronghold Legends Walkthroughs and Trails
I'm delighted to announce and inform members that after many years worth or work we now have detailed Walkthroughs, and corresponding saved games, for every single Stronghold Legends Campaign Mission and Skirmish Trail that was ever made, including the bonus content publicly released by Firefly in 2016 for the first time. You can find all of these guides under the following page on the main site: Or instead you can -
"Unsubscribe From All" Button
As the title says, could we get an option to unsubscribe from numerous/all threads via the "Show All Subscriptions" page on our profiles, please? I constantly accidentally subscribe to a post when using the site on my phone, due to me trying to be clever and not zoom in :P, it would just be convenient! Not a huge issue at all, but it would be nice to have in future :) -
All Saved Missions
We now have all saved missions from CivCity Rome uploaded. They're available here in the downloads section as individual saved games: CivCity Rome
All missions & trails
Just a quick note to let people know that we now have walkthroughs for all missions & trails in Stronghold Legends. Head on over to our walkthroughs section to have a look. -
LINK: All mission and trail saved games
@Floki has very kindly uploaded all these saved games to our downloads section! You can find these all in a single download here: