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Mathew Steel

How are you all?

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Recently, I've noticed that not many posts have been made on the site! It's nearing summer, and for a lot of people, exams, so this is completely understandable! I'm simply curious what everyone is up to, and how are things??


Personally, I've had a few ups and downs, as does everyone, but things are sharply on the rise! Firstly, I've fallen out with a group of friends who I've been friends with throughout school, but, this isn't bothering me anymore. Looking at it, they're not great friends, and I know I'm not going to be bothering with them much when I start university. For this reason, I'm happier.


On the up side, I've been in a relationship with an amazing girl (lady...fair maiden?) for the last two months and I've never felt more secure and happy. Also, despite exams being just around the corner, I'm in high hopes. I feel on top of my work and I feel that I'm going to do well as long as there are no unexpected bumps in the road! Shortly after my exams I'll be running a half marathon to raise money for Cancer Research, which I am both dreading, but also looking forward to!


I cannot wait for the end of these exams, which will mark the end of my secondary education for good! The British summer better sort itself out this year, because I have a lot of plans. If not, I've always got my computer and its games :P


What about you guys? What're your plans for the next couple of weeks? Anything you're excited about? Let me know!


As always, best regards,

Tom :)

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Glad to hear from you, Tom! And glad to hear things are going well for you.


As about me, same old stuff with my PhD studies. I have passed the exams, and now I'm working on something that should go into my theses. Well, that's what I do beside the teaching.


Besides that, spending some time with my girlfriend. She's in Zagreb right now though, in Croatia. I did go there to visit her. I might share with you some photographs. It is indeed a beautiful city. I was there for five days around the Labor Day, and there's still a lot there for me to explore. I'm planning to visit her again around the end of the May. Also, I'm glad you've found a good girl for yourself.


I wish you luck with the exams, and hopefully, we could find some time to play a game or two. ;)

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Sorry for the late response to this, I never actually saw it! My apologies.


It's really impressive that you're doing a PhD! I plan on doing the same assuming all goes well with university. Well done, Eagle!


Always good to spend time with your partner. As for photos of the city, that'd be great! Those you shared before were really well taken, you have a good eye for that sort of stuff. My exams are all done now, thankfully. I won't receive my results until August the 16th, so I'm just going to remove it from my head until then.


Today was the day of the half marathon, and it was absolutely sweltering heat. However, we managed it! Have so far raised ?324.99 for Cancer Research, and are still collecting more! :)

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Great to hear everything went well with the exams!


Yeah, another reminder, I was just delaying posting these images. I will do it these days, it's not actually a lot of work, just upload them, and type in some titles. :) And thanks for the kind compliments. :)

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Much like everybody else, I don't check in as regular as I should (lol). I missed these Posts!


Wow, Phd. VERY impressed! ''Smokes" my little BA (lol). Maybe someday before they "close the Tomb'', I might go back to School for another 2 years for my Masters on History.


I have not been posting as much lately due to Work and a rather prolonged illness (nothing to worry about Gang). I figure with the thousands of Articles, one wont miss me nearly as much (lol).


Glad everybody is well throughout The World. Look forward to seeing how your Education and "love life" progresses. My "Lady" and I are pushing 30 years so much luck with yours!

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Hello guys,

It has been such a while, and I thought I would check in. These days I am doing a mixture of things: I'm almost halfway through my 2 year Master's in English Literature and whereas last year I was teaching p/t at a secondary school and also tutoring privately, this year I am just doing the tutoring and hoping to be able to get back into woodwork (some of you know that I am a qualified cabinet-maker and had a p/t business for a while) - a possible opportunity has come up to share a workshop with a carpenter.

I have also got back into miniature painting, lately painting up the figures for Darklight: Memento Mori (I have them up on Pinterest). I am giving thought to taking commissions, but we shall see.

I would say that I am more involved in boardgames now than in playing on PC, though I am watching the 'Stronghold Next' progress with interest!

Hope everyone is well :)




PS: I saw this on Facebook and thought of you!


'...But be not afraid of jesters; some are born jesters, some achieve jesters and some have jesters thrust upon them'

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English Lit AND Carpentry.....Impressive.


Love to see your Work. BIG Pinterest Fan!? Glad to Hear from You, Lord Paul!

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Here you go - I'm adding as I go, still a fair few to paint...

My Darklight Pinterest Page

'...But be not afraid of jesters; some are born jesters, some achieve jesters and some have jesters thrust upon them'

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WOW... What you could do with Napoleonic Figures. Really impressed. I even ''followed'' you. Wish I could use them for my Boards but...hey, I'm A Historian? :D


Keep it Up, My Lord. Master Quality Work!

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WOW... What you could do with Napoleonic Figures. Really impressed. I even ''followed'' you. Wish I could use them for my Boards but...hey, I'm A Historian? :D


Keep it Up, My Lord. Master Quality Work!

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Thank you very much - i've really been enjoying it! :)

'...But be not afraid of jesters; some are born jesters, some achieve jesters and some have jesters thrust upon them'

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Nice to hear from you again, Paul. Glad you are well (and remember us when it comes to spear pressure :P )

I also have times every now and again when I get off PC gaming and back to board games and such things.


But right now, while we are waiting for SH Next, I got back into Attila Total War.

I started playing a forum campaign with Edward Dunferline (whom I met during the Crusader 2 times). This is as much about story telling as it is about co-op MP battles. If you guys are interested in a good read, you can find it here.

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